Gambling Dissertation Topics

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The gambling scenery in America has changed since the early 1600s when gambling was brought over from England. The original Colonies use gambling, such as lotteries, for fundraisers. These fundraisers financed projects, such as churches, hospitals, libraries, and shipping facilities. Now in the new millennium the researcher of this paper is discussing the new types of gambling available, Pathological and problem gamblers, and programs that benefit from gambling.
There are many different types of gambling available some are casinos, racetracks, and Internet gambling. The biggest gambling industry is casinos. Most casinos are operated on Indian reservations. In 1988, Indian casinos had revenues of only $100 million. By 2001, they had increased to $12.7 billion. (National Indian Gaming Commission). Another growing gambling industry are racetracks with slot machine in them, also known as 'racino'. Though horse and dog races are on a decline they are still currently legal in 41 states. Internet gambling is though the most questionable gambling industry. There is an estimated about 1,800 Internet gambling sites. (McCoy, 2002) The U.S. Justice Department does not consider Internet gambling legal, and they are working on outlawing cyber-gambling.

Pathological gambling is classified as a behavioural addiction, rather than a chemical addiction. Although seemingly different these both manifest in the same way, that is “the enduring engagement in uncontrolled self-destructive behaviour, despite its negative consequences” (ref). Gambling was once an acceptable form of entertainment on campuses but with the new laws, it is now forbidden to participate in any kind of gambling activities, but still it can be found everywhere. However, the warning signs of developing a gambling problem are not brought forward, as is seen with other potentially addictive behaviors, such as. Argumentative Gambling Essay Topics To the present day gambling has a lot of fans as well as a number of haters. Nevertheless gambling is prohibited in many countries, nowadays it still is a wide spread appearance.

There is a lot of controversy about wither or not gambling is becoming a serious problem. With the increase of convenience gambling found everywhere, critics are concerned that this will increase pathological and problem gamblers.
Gambling in America
Some funds brought in by gamblers go to support lines and groups that help people with gambling problems. Some states have made efforts to subdue the promotion of gambling by restricting advertisements in the communities. Studies conducted for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (NGISC) estimated that about 1 percent of the population or about 3 million people are pathological gamblers. (NCISC, Ch. 7)
Supporters of gambling say that many programs benefit from gambling. The state government is one of the most beneficial programs from gambling. State lotteries are one of the contributors that make the most money for the state government. The State then contributes the funding from gambling to education purposes. The grants that are award to schools are sometimes funded by legal lotteries and other gambling activities. Programs such as TOPS a scholarships program for college students are funded by gambling activities. This action of funding for education is not encourage by all people. With the increasing large number of casinos and other gambling facilities being built, they do supply hundred of job opportunities. Some areas that were once poor in economic opportunities are now rich with jobs within casinos and other gambling industries.
In conclusion, one cans see the pros and cons of gambling in America. The researcher of this paper has discussed some different types of gambling industries, the awareness of Pathological and problem gamblers, and programs that benefit from gambling. The (NGISC) warned that gambling is growing so fast that it may be surpassing the ability of federal and state authorities to control it. (NGISC, Ch. 1)

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Gambling addiction is a problem that most people deal with in society. Your research paper on gambling addiction should represent your analysis and interpretation of the research findings. The purpose of your research is to answer questions about gambling addiction. Your research questions and objectives will guide you in the methods you use to gather the information you need. The homework assist services we provide will enable you to write an excellent research paper.

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How to Write a Research Paper on Gambling Addiction Homework Assist
Gambling dissertation topics definition

Research Paper Outline

Gambling Dissertation Topics Questions

A research paper has three major sections which are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Every part of the paper serves a particular purpose and you need to understand how to write each section. Here is an outline for your research paper on gambling addiction:

  • Introduction

This is the most important section because it grabs the attention of the reader. So you need to make it interesting. In most cases, people write the introduction last rather than first. In your introduction, you will tell the reader about your topic and give your thesis statement.

  • The body

This is the largest section of the research paper because you build upon your thesis by providing evidence to support your claims. You will write a literature review that will highlight literary sources used to support your hypothesis and theories. This forms the basis of your research. The literature you choose should connect to your topic. You will go on to show the reader the methods you used to answer your research question. State why you chose those methods. You will then highlight the results and state any variables that you discovered in your findings. Our homework assist services will help you get this right. You are free to use tables or graphs as long as you explain your findings to the reader.

  • Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the main points discussed in the research paper. Do not write any new information in the conclusion. You will then restate your thesis statement and end it by mentioning any future research.

Thesis Statement for Gambling Research Paper

A research paper on gambling addiction requires a thesis statement. If you are not sure about how to write it, our homework assist experts can help you. A thesis statement represents the central idea of your research paper. All the arguments you present in the paper should be linked to your central idea. It is a declaration of what you believe in. The statements you make after your thesis statement will defend and support your belief. For example, you can say: Gambling has the potential of changing many lives in society. However, it is easy for people to become addicted to gambling leading to dire consequences.

Gambling Addiction Essay

A gambling addiction essay will begin by introducing the reader to gambling. A general overview of gambling followed by a general overview of gambling addiction. You want the reader to understand the topic before you move on to explain the problem. The same applies to a research paper on gambling addiction. You will go on to highlight the main points to be discussed and write your thesis statement. In the body, you will discuss the issue by allocating each point in its own paragraph. Complete your essay with a conclusion that ties all your points together and brings your argument to a close. Our homework assist experts will help you craft a perfect gambling addiction essay.

Gambling Dissertation Topics Examples

Gambling addiction Essay Introduction

Your introduction is the first part the reader will see. You need to write it in a way that attracts the reader’s attention. It helps to begin with an attention grabber like a question, disturbing discovery, a story and more. You will then summarize the major points that you will discuss in the paper. After that, you will complete your introduction with a thesis statement. We can help you write an interesting introduction through our homework assist services.

Gambling Dissertation Topics Definition

Gambling Addiction Essay Conclusion

Gambling Dissertation Topics Articles

The conclusion of a gambling addiction essay is similar to that of a research paper on gambling addiction. You should always remember that your conclusion is a mirror to your introduction. This means that you are restating the introduction in the conclusion. You will bring your argument to a close and summarize the major points in your essay. After that, you should restate your thesis statement. A good conclusion ends with a hook that keeps the reader interested and our homework assist experts can help you achieve that.

In conclusion, you should identify the purpose of your research before you begin writing your research paper on gambling addiction. Ensure that you have a clear plan, clear research questions and objectives and the literary sources you need. The guidelines above from our homework assist experts will help you write a fantastic research paper.