Is Online Gambling Legal In Poland

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  • Global Matters, Government Regulation

Online sports betting is legal in this country and it is dominated by four betting companies. Fortuna Entertainment, Totolotek, STS, and Millenium are all licensed and regulated in Poland and they are allowed to offer their services online. The latest changes to Italian gambling laws occurred in 2011 when online betting was legalized. Now all gambling is regulated and operators need to acquire a gambling license. All betting, including internet wagering, are regulated by the Agenzia delle dogane e dei Monopoli, or the ADM for short.

This year Poland effected amendments to its Gambling Act, introducing a number of regulations with regard to gambling services as well as new market regulation mechanisms. Among the important changes, the amendments introduced a state monopoly on operations of slot machines outside casinos, and also a mechanism for blocking online domains offering access to gambling operated by entities without the required state authorizations.

In practice, the new online gambling regulations force banks operating in the Polish market to block gambling transactions offered by entities without a Polish license. Both bank transfers and card payments involving unlicensed entities are considered to be participation in illegal gambling and banks are obliged to prevent their customers in engaging in such activity. As of July there exists a Polish “Register of Domains Used to Offer Gambling Services in Violation of the Act” (Register), maintained by the Minister of Finance. Internet service providers must block entities whose address is entered in the Register. Further, players proven guilty of engaging in gambling on illegal websites are subject to fines and must forfeit the entirety of their winnings to the State Treasury.

At present, only few entities have been authorized by the Polish Ministry of Finance to offer betting services to customers, and all of them are registered in Poland. Interestingly, each of them has held the required authorization for years, and the most popular websites offering similar betting services, operated by foreign entities, initiated authorization procedures only in the first quarter of 2017.

The new regulations introduce, for the first time in Poland, a closed catalogue of websites; previously, blockades were imposed only on individual sites explicitly violating criminal law or at “variance with the principles of community life.” Ally Law member firm Żyglicka & Partners notes that the amendments to the Gambling Act may raise some issues. In a judgement from last year, the Court of Justice of the European Union stated that a Member State may not block websites that offer gambling services operated by entities authorized to do so by another Member State in a manner that is discriminatory to those entities. This judgement may significantly influence the issue of further regulation of the gambling market in Poland and the European Union.

Ally Law member firms have deep experience in gambling, gaming, and internet law. If you have questions about the legality of your gambling or games undertakings, check with your Ally Law member firm for advice on the legality of your transactions in every country in which you do business. For more information about our services in this area, contact us at

Click here for the complete article by Jaroslaw Rudy and Maciej Kwadrans of Ally Law member Żyglicka & Partners.

Published June 26, 2014 by OCR Editor

Amends in Poland's Gambling Act are set to allow EU and EFTA operators to offer services within Poland provided they open actual offices inside the country.

The Polish Government andits people are nowadays engaged in a bugging affair which unleashed a politicalcrisis in the country. However, before that happened, some good news for onlinegambling came out of the country's Ministry of Finance only three weeks ago.

Gambling Act Changes

The Polish Ministry ofFinance has published a project which is set to amend the country's GamblingAct. The changes touch subjects like betting sites and charity lotteries, butthe biggest change which is related to the iGaming world is the ministry'sintention to allow companies from EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association)to operate gambling businesses inside Poland. While this signals agenerally very positive move towards aligning with EU gambling regulation laws,the set changes will set one obstacle in the paths of interested gamblingoperators: they would have to open an office in Poland itself.

Missed Tax Revenues

The projectedalterations to the Polish gambling laws, if they will be enacted, are notsurprising due to the country's estimated missed revenues due to its gamblingrestrictions: About PLN 600 million which amounts to approximately €142million. Poland is missing out on a big chunk of the action, as seen byestimates by consulting firm Roland Berger which valued the country's onlinegambling market at PLN 4.9 billion back in February (a little over €1 billion).The same report estimated that with things as they are in the present, Polandis seeing just 9% of this potential amount in income from the four Polishoperators which hold online betting licenses.


With the country in apolitical crisis, the future of Poland's Gambling Act remains to be seen. If itdoes go further, it will be interesting to see how operators tackle therequirement for opening an office inside the country itself.

See also

Poland Contemplates Changing of Gambling Laws

Dust Settles on Poland's Recent Gambling Ban

End of Danish Online Gambling Monopoly