Texas Holdem Flop Odds

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The “Great Dane”, Gus Hansen, has said that Hold’em is a flop game. After all, the flop gives us three-fifths of the community cards we’re going to see – all at one time. As such, it can be argued that the flop is the most important street in Hold’em. With this in mind we should know the odds of various flop situations. In Texas Hold'em, poker odds are THE probability tool you need as a poker player. In fact, you should always be thinking about poker odds - yours and your opponents' - when making decisions. In short, poker odds is the probability of you winning that hand, or the price it offers (pot odds). Using The 'Outs' To Calculate Texas Hold'em Poker Odds. We have already determined that you have nine 'outs'. Now there are 52 cards in a deck and two of those are in your hand, leaving 50.

Real Money Poker Games » Texas Holdem Poker » Pre-Flop Odds for Pairs and High Cards


It's always nice to start with a pair in the hole (especially the high kind) because they can often win without any improvement whatsoever. By the same token, an opponent's hidden pair can also often sneak up and beat you.

Here's some odds charts that can give you a way to not only estimate your chances of catching pairs, but to also get a feel for the likelihood of pairs in your opponent's hands.

Hey mobile users or anyone that would like to download, print or view the charts in more detail. Check out the Holdem pair pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.

High Card Hands (Unpaired)

Texas Holdem Flop Probability

Whoever said that Holdem is a high card game was right. Much of the overall Holdem action involves two unpaired high cards like the typical hands illustrated above. These probability charts will give you some idea of what to expect to be dealt, and how many high card hands are likely to be out there against you.

Texas Holdem Flop Odds

Texas Holdem Flop Odds

Texas Holdem Odds On Flop

To download, print or view the above chart in more detail, check out the Holdem high card pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.